“They buried us, but they didn't know we were seeds. “ — Dinos Christianopoulos

Welcome to Support for Organized Abuse and Addiction Recovery (SOAAR)


Our mission: Educate - Activate - Heal

Our mission is to offer professional consultation and training, education, direct action events and healing resources for survivors, helpers and allies impacted by organized extreme abuse.

We want to end all organized abuse, and its harmful effects, now.

Our resources are in person and online, intended for members of the association. If you are interested in receiving services from SOAAR, write us using the contact form below.

Click below for more information about what we offer.

For extreme organized abuse survivors, we offer two programs, based on what is your biggest need: healing support for the trauma and attachment injuries from organized abuse, and support for defining and maintaining sobriety from substance and behavioral addictions.

For loving allies, including supportive family, friends and community members, we offer supportive connections and groups.

For helping professionals we offer professional consultation and classes for tools, tips, perspective and support for helping professionals treating survivors of extreme, organized abuse.

We also sponsor live educational and activism events, including the annual “March for Innocence” every October 20th. Info here: https://www.soaarglobal.com/march-for-innocence.