49 Voices, and Katy: Anatomy of a Cult Recapture? Prayers and Public Psychological Torture
This is from the front page of the 50 Voices of Ritual Abuse website: https://www.50voices.org/en/start-en/
A few months ago, I began thinking of Katy Groves. While looking up a video in the 50 Voices of Ritual Abuse Project, and noticed a statement on the webpage, stating that the project was dedicated to Katy, and that her voice has been silenced, but will be heard louder than ever.
What did that mean?
I first ran into Katy’s educational work on YouTube this past year, a link shared somewhere. As a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and military Trauma-Based Mind Control myself, I sympathized with her story of atrocity, which mirrors my own.
Her first public educational video was posted November 2017, titled TW: Basic Steps to Freedom from Ritual Abuse and Mind Control. Subsequent videos were excellent guides to understanding the depth of Organized Extreme Abuse, and how she was finding healing. I was amazed at her bravery and candor, in her early 20’s no less, to tell the world she had Dissociative Identity Disorder and explain in detail how recovery could work. Though I am decades older, I experienced her as an authenticity role model. She also offered in-depth intelligence as to Death-Cult secrets…yet as I looked into more of her work, I noted over time her videos changed…then she changed her name and gender…and then everything stopped.
Now she had disappeared, gone completely out of contact with those who knew her.
Pondering this, I felt dread. Speaking up about one’s story, as Katy did on her channel, and she and the other brave 49 speakers in the 50 Voices of Ritual Abuse project, can definitely make one a target for danger by SRA perpetrators, who don’t want their crimes to be discovered. As a survivor myself, I know how brutal the “DO NOT TELL OR YOU WILL BE KILLED OR SELF-DESTRUCT” threat/programming is. When someone speaks out and disappears, it is common sense to be concerned that something bad has happened to them – either they were abducted/tortured/killed, or they force-self-destructed…or all of this.
I reached out on a survivor support group on Telegram to ask if anyone knew what had happened to her. I was told that it was indeed suspected that she had been captured and reprogrammed. I was directed to a full book about Katy’s story by Dr. Marcel Polte titled Uncle Sam’s: An Insider’s Report from the Hell of Monarch Mind Control.
Before getting the book, I reached out to several other survivor-acquaintances who participated in the 50 Voices project, asking if we might get together and pray for Katy, and ask for spiritual information and direction on her behalf. I didn’t hear back, except from one of the 50 Voices project founders, who offered to help. I let go of trying to gather a group…but I didn’t stop thinking about Katy. I began to feel a bit haunted by these thoughts, and then started to wonder: What if she had died, and was this her earthbound spirit, calling for justice?
So, I ordered the book about her, and learned the following from Uncle Sam’s:
1) Katy was torture-trained by the Death-Cult in the MKULTA programming in an underground facility.
2) She was singled out for higher tasks because of her superior intelligence.
3) She was a “snuff queen” and “Chief Programmer” – which meant she was forced to murder others in pornographic media, and torture “train” others to be slaves like she was.
4) She revealed details about advanced breeding programs that few knew.
5) She broke free of her enslavement and went public on YouTube, sharing keenly insider knowledge of previously unknown programs, for example Project Antelope.
6) In Chapter 5: “Katy’s Disappearance,” Dr. Polte writes that though she had stated her preference to be called Katy to represent her “core” or true self, on October 28, 2019, she made a video explaining that this core personality would dissolve and integrate into the “hidden subsystem.” She then released a few more videos, one where she sounded significantly regressed, where she renamed herself “Dylan Groves,” adopting a male gender.
7) Videos after that stopped offering inside information, and instead focused on either life on the road, homelessness, or haunting singing performances, except once – and this exception was when he disclosed being very high on marijuana.
8) “Dylan” then introduced objects into his video images that contained obvious cult triggering images, for example caterpillars and monarch butterflies, shutting themselves down with the sentence “I don’t think I’m allowed to say more about it…” Other videos showed Dylan wearing a sweater with a mountain that looked like a pyramid, and skulls.
9) Dylan then abandoned that YouTube channel and started a new one, where he described himself as extremely tired as a result of MKULTRA torture, and that he could not take it anymore. In March 4, 2022, Dylan said he is being systematically broken mentally, physically, and emotionally from TBMC – in present tense. At the end, he says, “I am actively being destroyed.” He says he was being treated with male hormones, and “voluntarily” checked himself into a psychiatric hospital in Santa Barbara, knowing he would be subjected to MKULTRA there, which he described as “sheer horror.”
10) On April 10, 2022, Dylan released a video stating that he still considers himself a Satanist in principle. In September 2022 he showed a tattoo on his upper left arm: a large, conspicuous pentagram, combined with an inverted cross and two crescents – a representation of “Mother Lilith.” Another video was titled “Hail Satan.”
11) In early October 2022, the image of Dylan Groves’ YouTube channel was replaced with the image of a downward pointing pentagram connected to an inverted cross…then changed again, to a bunch of creepy-looking eyes.
12) The last video on that channel is dated September 25, 2022, and is titled “Monarch Survivor Sings ‘Burning from the Inside’ by Bauhaus.” Dylan speaks very slowly, as if drugged or otherwise cognitively impaired.
I know I relate to Katy because I also was used to make torture-murder porn (“snuff” is a euphemism to cloak the horror) and as a programmer. I am also speaking out more, and writing a memoir. I deeply admire Katy’s courage. When I think of this happening over many years, a semi-public torture, it’s no wonder I felt “haunted.” I didn’t want to just accept this! And I wondered, is what happened to Katy what will that happen to me, too, after I publish my book?
So I tried again, reaching out to two other 50 Voices participants I knew and one other friend, to put together a Katy-focused prayer and meditation circle, and thankfully, they said yes. We met on August 28, 2024 via zoom, and set a bubble of love protection around our circle, said a prayer, and went into deep meditation to invite any higher information from Creator-Source of Love that would be helpful about this situation.
Here is what I received in the meditation/prayer conversation, from a loving angelic guide I often feel supported by:
Katy has been visiting you in her earthbound spirit, asking that survivors go to Austin, TX and get help for those children still trapped underground.
I sent her spirit the message that she please go directly up a column of golden light to Creator source, after which I would welcome her help if she still felt inspired to give it. I visualized this happening. Then I heard from a loving voice:
Let her life be an inspiration, and a reminder: Do not go it alone as a survivor activist. Not just to be safe – you will be safe. But also, because it’s better to work with others, it’s more fun and effective. Do this work with friends, community. Even with setbacks, that’s worth doing.
With so many DUMBs still running torture/kill operations, it is not time to plant your flag and say “I’m home” if it means “I’m done with activism.” Yes, you are tired, but think of how the kids feel. We need healing centers everywhere. You can start here (in Sedona, AZ).
[I had been thinking about settling down after a three-month campervan journey, feeling overwhelmed. This message rejuvenated me.]
Another friend received a song in her meditation, The Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel. It’s a song about youthful alienation and societal isolation, that warns against the growing silence and indifference in society. These are the lyrics:
Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence
In restless dreams, I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence
And in the naked light, I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never shared
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence
"Fools" said I, "You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you"
But my words, like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
Then the sign said, "The words on the prophets are written on the subway walls
In tenement halls"
And whispered in the sound of silence
My friend felt this song was shared as a warning that we stay spiritually connected with our personal healing and survivor activism efforts. This message was also received:
Don’t worry about where she is, just benefit from the connection with the spirit of Katy. Look within for your own truth, to your inner circle of friends for guidance. Put out your book when the time is right, for then you will need more protection.
Another friend said she saw a vivid visual image of massive class division, elites vs. commoners, with a tank rolling through town. There were “respected” people rounded up for arrest, and people were shocked, they had no idea that in dissociated “back life” parts, these people had been perpetrating terrible crimes. She saw me as “front and center” of a process of reconciliation as an ally, a credible witness to the Death-Cult crimes, and a journalist. I was told I should prepare a place that was safe emotionally, physically, and spiritually, and practice careful discernment when traveling in big cities, watching my dog’s reaction to people. To not seek fame but “turn over the tables” on behalf of children and truth.
She said I should send love and light focused energy to Katy, that she receives it, that she is brave and her courage has done much for humanity, and we can all pick up the ball for her now. She will play a role from the other side.
Another friend said that Katy was already on the other side – of light – and that she is happy and proud to find us connecting with her, and relieved that people are taking on the tasks she left. She will help us with safety, she will help warn us of danger, and that we should connect with our own hearts and create a “Trail of Tears” memorial to honor fallen survivors, like the Vietnam Wall, especially for children who died in snuff/murder pornography.
When my friend said this I immediately saw a labyrinth made of brick/stones, where each step sends love to a fallen child, that allies could donate money to purchase, and the money could be given to still living survivors in need – a Labyrinth of Light for survivors of Organized Extreme Abuse, dedicated, like 50 Voices, to Katy/Dylan Groves.
For now, a vision...someday...a reality.
ARTICLE UPDATE: October 8th, 2024:
I was contacted by someone who found traces online of Katy as Dylan Groves - more YouTube videos on two channels, one from one year ago:
And one from six months ago:
Both feature her singing songs - my experience watching is these videos are psychological torture, watching someone who spoke out who is now being puppeted, mocked, and degraded. This should not be allowed; it should not be stood for. It is heartbreaking to see her current condition compared to the early videos on her first channel, when she freely talked about the devastation of mind control and hope for healing. I changed the article title…this is not a happy ending, though it’s not over yet. I don’t want to spiritually bypass. If they are still alive, we need to liberate “Uncle Sam’s Snuff Factory, find Dylan/Katy, and get them and all the other children exploited there help, immediately.
ARTICLE UPDATE: October 20th, 2024:
Today at the 2024 March for Innocence, we gave out a new award: The Katy Groves Badass Media Award, to Ally Carter.
Thank you Katy/Dylan, for service as an ongoing inspiration for your courage to speak out about SRA and Trauma-Based Mind Control!
Katy’s legacy of inspiration lives on, even if her current status is unknown.
ARTICLE UPDATE: November 15th, 2024:
Note: An informant sent me a link to a new channel of Katy/Dylan. Description of latest video:
For both GMHO's (Genetically Modified Human Organisms) seeking advice on survival and NPHO's (Naturally Produced Human Organisms) who like being dominated as we replace your existence with our own.
In the newest video, they introduce themselves, saying “they” were “Katy-also known as Dylan Groves…and I am a genetically-modified human organism…a bit of a weird science project…” She is speaking — [a spooksperson?!] of the genetically-modified human organism population, which she abbreviates as GMHO.
Creating music and art…to represent this population…GENETICALLY-MODIFIED HUMAN ORGANISM…is she telling us what happened to her original self, which I am convinced has (had) a soul. Does this version of her? What is going on here?
She goes on to sing a very creepy song from the “Resident Evil” soundtrack, wearing red/black sexy outfit with red/black rosary beads, looks SRA to me. I left a comment on her channel:
Hi Katy/Dylan...I notice your red and black colors and outfit and content not mentioning MK ULTRA or Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory...I am concerned the person who started your original channel has been replaced by you in some way that was gravely harmful to that version of you. Can you comment?
I had left the link to this article about her on all three of her other channels but never heard back…
It won’t let me capture a screenshot…
What do you think?